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How Do You Dispose of Waste Oil?

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If your business uses oil, then at some point, you probably have to deal with the problem of waste oil disposal. For many businesses, disposing of oil and similar waste products can present a serious challenge. Oil isn't something that you can send away to a landfill or that you can pour down the drain. Disposing of your oil improperly could lead to serious environmental damage. The only safe way to deal with your waste oil is to arrange for a waste oil collection company to collect it and take it away.

What does a waste oil collection look like?

Every company is different, and it's rare for two companies to generate the same amount of waste oil. A good waste oil collection company will allow you to set your collection date. If you enter a busy period where lots of waste oil is generated, you shouldn't need to worry about waste oil containers overflowing while you wait for a collection. A good company should be flexible enough to let you ring up and ask for a waste oil collection whenever you need it.

What type of oils can be collected?

You will need to talk to your waste oil collection company to find out what type of oils they are able to collect. In general, you should find that most companies are able to accept sump oil, oil filters, hydraulic oil, engine oil and even oily water. If you are not sure whether your waste product is suitable, then you should discuss your needs with your local waste oil collection company. They will be happy to answer any of your questions.

What happens to the oil once it is collected?

When the waste oil collection company takes away your oil, they don't throw it out or leave it permanently in storage. The waste oil that is collected is recycled. First, it is taken to a refining facility where it is processed, and then it is used to create new oil-based products, including fuel oil and hydrotreated lubricant base oils. In this way, nothing is wasted and the oil does not cause damage to the environment. The new oils reduce Australia's dependence on virgin crude oil and allow consumers to purchase an alternative oil product at a competitive price. Oil recycling has particular environmental benefits since it results in a closed-loop system and provides a longer, more productive life for your oil.
